Welcome Post

A collage of my books!

My blog button. Feel free to grab!

Welcome to my official blog! I’m Eleanor J., a self-published author and sci-fi lover. My adventure novels Spacia: Dawn and Dusk, Spacia: The Fate of the Galaxies, and Nidia Swanling: Cutting the Ties, can all be found on Lulu. You can find me at two other websites as well. One of them is my main author website, and the other is a branch of it — a Spacia branch, to be precise! Here are the links.

Spacia Books on Lulu, Eleanor J.’s Official Website, Spacia Website

Now, this blog is my way of communicating with you on several topics. Updates on my novels, my reviews on various books, TV shows, and films, and more! You can expect clean, appropriate, concise posts from me. I hope that my posts can make you smile or laugh as well! As my wonderful friend Sara at sarafowall.wordpress.com would say, Spread the positivity!

Here is a little script I wrote to go along with the blog. I hope you like it!

She walks the snowy grounds, snowflakes tangled in her hair.
She walks the mountains, wind whistling through and around her.
She walks the meadows, twirling flowers in her fingers.
She walks the waters, laughing softly as the dolphins nudge her.
She walks the fires, embers streaking themselves across her face.
She walks the wind, cheeks nipped from the cold.
She walks the earth, always searching, always reaching, the land of the living.

I look forward to building healthy blogging relationships with many of you!! So please, type in your email address and Follow! 

Join 162 other subscribers

If you have a question, I’d love to answer it and get to know you in the comments section below!! 😀

43 thoughts on “Welcome Post”

  1. omg!! you finally have your blog up and ready! don’t worry – you’ll do amazing ( im sure of it ). and ahhhh thank you so much for the shoutout – positivity is a yes! i can’t wait for more ~ massive love ❤ 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  2. this is very impressive! looking forward to reading more from you 😉 😌I know they will all be amazing! 😝this blog was a really good idea for a way to share your works, especially for those of us who can’t wait 😀

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes definitely! Of course! I’d love to be friends!! Aww thanks that’s sweet! Idk how people think I am in person probably shy, crazy, weird, socially awkward, and I talk to much! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi…a hearty welcome to the blogging community!
    Hope you have a wonderful experience, get to learn many new things and also make friendly blogger friends!
    So sorry for the late comment…Just saw it right now😅😅😅

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Jheel! I’m learning more and more about the blogging community, and I’ve already made several blogger friends (including you) whom I’m so thankful to know. No worries, this post was a while ago, it probably just got lost in the Reader or something 😂


  4. Hello! My name is Addie and I have a blog called Shining Star. (:
    I absolutely loveee sci-fi! It’s the only kind of genre I read.
    I love your blog!! (And the name of it :))

    Liked by 1 person

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